Bluebonnet – Puzzlets and Dash

Students in 2nd grade took turns visiting the Innovation Lab this month for a unit on motion. They got to use the Puzzlets to make their Dash robots move in different ways. The Puzzlets tool allows students to put a series of commands in a puzzle-like device instead of writing or creating block commands on the iPads. They also got to make other robots move using either a remote with button commands such as go forward, backward, left, and right (Code-and-Go Mouse Robot and Botley the Robot).

  • Puzzlets and Dash Robot

  • Puzzlets and Dash Robot

  • Puzzlets and Dash Robot

  • Botley the Robot

  • Botley the Robot

  • Dash Robot with Puzzlets

  • Code-and-Go Mouse Robot

  • Code-and-Go Mouse Robot